After reading the taste notes, even the baby in the woman's belly started laughing. And look forward to the coffee.
Experimental sounds like it was made for me.
Pleasant taste
If it wasn't Valentine's Day, why not just throw five bags on the table without a box next time? :D But nice picture, nothing for me, my wife will probably keep it before I ever throw it in her paper.
Or what next Decaffeinated or decaffeinated coffee? Can pregnant women also drink it in large quantities?
Preparation method: V60-01
Coffee (g): 15g
Water (g): 250g
Water temperature: 100
Grinder (settings): 1zypresso J-max 3-2-0
Process: Bloom for at least a minute, bloom and 60g of water for full saturation. Then several slow infusions to, say, 180 and 250.