Preparation method: Hario Mugen 02 + Hario V60 02 bleached filter
Coffee (g): 10g
Water (g): 250g
Water temperature: 100°C (but from a goose neck kettle, so 97°C max)
Grinder (settings): Fellow Ode V1.1 + SSP Brew Burrs @ coarse 1.2 - 2 fine grinds
Process: Please note that this will not work if you do not have a grinder that grinds the filter well and at the same time finely.
Preheat the Mugen by itself, so twice with hot water, the surface should be at least 50°C. Insert the filter, pour ground coffee, or perform a little WDT. Pour in really hot water - 70g, the color of the bloom should be light coffee, not white, not darker. Wait until it flows, approx. 45s. Add the rest of the water. Wait until it drips (about 3-5 minutes total time). Wait until the coffee is 55°C and drink, enjoy!
I use water adjusted to pH 6.5, I don't know the ppm, the ratio is approximately 31 mg/L Ca and 8 mg/L Mg, plus approximately 10 mg/L NaHCO3. The most important thing is the pH.