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Patrik Josef Lukas Show Original November 17
Amazing decaffeinated coffee, most people you give it to will never know there was no caffeine
Great notes of coffee, suppressed bitterness and acidity
Aeropress - James Hofman's easy version is perfect for this morning coffee
Grind 12g medium fine (14. on Encore), do not wet the filter, pour coffee, quickly pour to the top and close the lid so that the coffee does not escape
shake slightly
After two minutes, remove the lid, mix quickly just a little, put the lid back on and press down
Tamara Verified Customer Show Original September 10
Does not recommend
Nice packaging.
The coffee has no smell or taste, the beans are almost black... over-roasted.
Total disappointment.
I'm used to a different standard from this roaster.
With a liter of milk. :)
Buntik Verified Customer Show Original April 18
Unbeatable taste and quality