by SlowMov

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Coffee Origin
Colombia specialty coffee Colombia
Roast Type
Flavour Profile
Blueberries, Quince jam
Roast Level
Light to Medium Light
Brewing Method
Aeropress, Chemex, Clever dripper, French Press, Hario V60, Vacuum Pot

About SlowMov

We are Carmen, François, Maria, Alex, Mehdi and Ana. We like good and simple things like good coffee, good wine, good food, good music, good company, ... without artifice and unnecessary luxury. François and Carmen started this project in Barcelona in 2015 after living in France, England and Poland.

The premium coffee industry is an industry with an exotic product that creates a significant carbon footprint through its transportation. That is why we want to compensate this footprint with very good work on other aspects. One of them is to inform people so that they are aware of all the actors involved in each coffee bean and the great effort that goes behind each cup, so that the product is not trivialized and given its proper value. We also try to minimize the impact of packaging, on the one hand we sell in bulk and since 2018 our coffee is sold in 100% compostable packaging. In addition, we actively encourage customers to bring their own reusable glasses as part of the "Reuse because the planet can't recycle" campaign.

The name SlowMov is a combination of the words Slow Movement, which seems like an oxymoron but reflects our idea that things can be done differently. We like the word movement because it is something that progresses and changes, but with a cadence and respect for the times necessary for each process. We strive to maintain long-term relationships with our coffee suppliers. The coffee we sell varies according to the season and is grown in accordance with our values ​​of respect for the environment.


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