BIO Fairtrade Nicaragua, Jinotega Mancotal

by Fair & Bio

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Fair & Bio
Coffee Origin
Nicaragua specialty coffee Nicaragua
Roast Type
Omni (recommended for both Filter & Espresso Coffee)
Flavour Profile
Milk chocolate, Dark honey, Demerara sugar
Roast Level
Brewing Method
Aeropress, Chemex, Clever dripper, French Press, Hario V60, Moka pot, Vacuum Pot, Espresso

About Fair & Bio

We roast our fair trade coffee in Kostelec nad Labem in Central Bohemia.

We were able to start the roastery in 2013 thanks to a subsidy to support the employment of the disadvantaged from EU funds (Operational Program Human Resources and Employment - OPHRE). In 2015, support from the Investment Operational Program - IOP followed, thanks to which we were able to make investments.

We currently employ mentally handicapped workers - clients of our partner organization Vyšší Hrádek p.s.s. (social service provider) and a person with a severe disability. Working in a roastery means several benefits for them at once: financial income, meaningful self-realization, interpersonal contacts, improvement of their own capacities and education.

The cooperative form of enterprise means transparent and democratic decision-making as well as the support of social cohesion and the initiative of individuals. Cooperatives are also a continuation of the natural form of fair trade business - most farmers in developing countries involved in fair trade are currently organized in cooperatives. The self-help economic structure makes a significant contribution to sustainable development.


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About Farmer

družstvo UCOSEMUN
1250 m. n.
Caturra, Catuai a Typica
About Farmer

Naše Nikaragua káva pochází ze tří různých regionů: San Rafael, Murra a Quilalí v Nikaragui a rozste v nadmořské výšce kolem 1250 m. n. m. Jejím pěstitelem je Unie de Cooperativas de Servicios násobcích (UCOSEMUN), která byla založena v roce 1998 v Nueva Segovia osmi družstvy, za účelem zlepšení kvality života drobného pěstitele kávy. Káva je pro tyto družstva největším exportním zboží, ale mnoho z nich také produkuje kukuřici, fazole a dobytek pro vnitrostátní trh.