The powerful Mahlkönig EK43S electric grinder is the perfect addition to any medium or large-scale cafes who are really serious about coffee. This high capacity grinder with simple operations is suitable for all coffee brewing methods, and is suitable for all methods of preparation ranging from the finest powder you could need for a czezve, to a courser filter grind.
The German company Mahlkönig has been on the market for over 80 years and is a very well recognized brand among professionals. Mahlkönig EK43S is the smaller brother of the EK43 version, but it is an equally powerful model with the same grind quality, but it takes up a lot less of your counter-top.
- hopper capacity: 0.8 kg
- hopper with a food-grade plastic cover
- diameter of steel grinding burrs: 98 mm
- coarseness adjustment: micrometric - without a scale stop
- grinding speed: 19-21 g/s (fine to medium coarseness)
- burr speed: 1450
- safety fuse